What we do
The Brazilian Association of Railroad Preservation-ABPF is a non-profit civil organization of cultural and educative purposes, which is recognized as OSCIP – Social Organization of Public Interest by the Brazilian Government (published no D.O.U. of 24 of December of 2004). Our mission is to promote the rescue, restoration and conservation of the Brazilian railroad heritage (tracks, locomotives, cars, historical documents, etc…), and making it available to public visitation.
One way to bring the railroad heritage to the public is our passenger trains, which are operated by the dynamic museums carried by ABPF Regionais (chapters). These museums are located in the cities of Campinas-SP, Passa Quatro-MG, Rio Negrinho-SC, Piratuba-SC, São Lourenço-MG, São Paulo-SP, Morretes-PR, and Village of Paranapiacaba in Santo André-SP. In the Regionais historical rolling stock such as steam, electric and diesel locomotives, freight and passenger cars, cranes, etc… are sheltered and restored. Additionally, the museums show all the structure that composes a railroad, including the railroad stations with its telecommunication and signalling equipment, the tracks, and the rolling stock.
The passenger trains of ABPF use its historical steam locomotives and passenger cars that were restored by our associates. During the trip, visitors have the chance to live deeply in the past by enjoying the way of transportation used by their ancestors, receiving explanations on how a steam engine works and about the historical context of the railroad they are traveling by. All the activities developed for the ABPF, amongst them the operation of the railroad compositions of the Dynamic Museums are carried through by the associates of ABPF in the form of voluntary work. Our volunteers have diverse education and occupations, and some of them are active or retired railroad workers. Additionally, the ABPF counts on the important financial contributions of the associates and partner companies, which have an important role in our accomplishments. Become a member of ABPF and help the railroad preservation in Brazil!